Research Time!
Hey y'all. I am currently conducting a research study on resource guarding/aggression in dogs. Research is definitely a hobby of mine (my...
See Them. Hear them. Help them.
See them, hear them, help them. There are many times I see social media posts, talk with clients on their initial consultation, or sit in...
Can large dogs, live with small dogs?
Many rescue groups often come to the hard decision of whether or not a large breed dog can be safely rehomed in a house that has a small...
Is playing with my dog enough exercise?
Adequate exercise for your dog I have had many people ask me, “What is the right amount of exercise for a dog?” My answer is always, if...
Is it mean to crate my dog?
I recently read a couple of ads on craigslist that truly bothered me and I have to touch upon this subject. One owner has a dog that is...
Who is the leader of your pack?
OK, so over the years I have heard many people say, “Let the dogs work it out. They need to figure out the pack order.” I have also...
What do you want from your dog?
With summer now creeping up, I receive more and more calls about dogs that are dog-dog reactive. Yes, I said reactive, not aggressive....
What do you want from your dog?
One of my favorite questions to ask clients is, “what do you want from your dog?” This seems like an easy question to answer, but most...
Dominance theory training? No thanks!
For 26 years, I have consulted and worked with clients that own dogs that are either fearful, reactive, confident, resource or human...

Agility for special needs dogs? Absolutely!
People ask me all the time if special needs dogs (deaf, blind and deaf-blind dogs), can lead a normal life. Shelters rarely put them up...