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Behavioral assessments in shelters

For a long time now, I have performed behavioral assessments for rescue groups and shelters to help them learn more about a dog’s personality and potential issues. Recently, I had been asked what I feel about the different tests out there. I have been researching the data on each of them and decided to put them to the test. My first test was the Sue Sternberg Test or Assess-a-pet test. You may be surprised to hear the results.

The Sue Sternberg Test: Epic Fail

Many of you may not realize that Sue Sternberg said her own dogs would not even pass her test, but sadly, hundreds of shelters use this as their standard testing for decisions on life or death of an animal. How can we use a test that even the founder claims to see as a death test? Interestingly, I found another article that talked about this death test. In it, they quote Jean Donaldson as making the comment that, “We couldn’t get Sue’s test past the reliability issue, 4 out of the five dogs tested with the Sternberg test and deemed unadoptable, did fine.”

Of course after reading this, I tested my own pack using this method. I had an intern perform the test as to not “taint” the results. Needless to say, my pack, the dogs that help others every day and live peacefully together, would have all failed her test. My biggest surprise:

Takoda, my 2 year old f/s husky. Takoda has no history of aggression, is highly sociable and is used every day in private sessions to help other dogs overcome their issues. Hundreds of clients can back this. The results of Takoda’s assessment using this test declare her:

  • Unsociable

  • Unsafe to handle

  • Dominant

Had Takoda been tested using this method, she would have been killed. I can’t even begin to imagine how many dogs are killed unnecessarily because of this test. The Assess-a –pet test indicates whether a dog is “submissive” or “dominant”. There is no room for outside variables in this test; it is simply black or white.

For example, one test is to hold a dog’s muzzle closed for a count of 5, and repeat it 5 times. If the dog struggles to get away it is deemed “dominant”. This is a death sentence for the dog, instead of noting the dog may have some facial sensitivity and suggesting a program, the test than goes on to say if you could not perform it to hold on longer wit